CTSDMC Leadership

Dr. Coffey is a Professor of Biostatistics and Director of the Clinical Trials Statistical and Data Management Center (CTSDMC) in the University of Iowa College of Public Health. He received his Ph.D. in biostatistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill <More Information>

Deputy Director
Dr. Bayman is an Associate Professor of Biostatisics, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Anesthesia. She has over 12 years of experience providing statistical design expertise to multi-center clinical trials, <More Information>

Director of Operations
Dixie J. Ecklund, RN, MSN, MBA is the Director of Operations for the University of Iowa Clinical Trials Statistical & Data Management Center (CTSDMC) and manages the day-to-day activities of the Center. <More Information>
CTSDMC biostatisticians prepare and validate study reports, as well as interim and final analyses for CTSDMC projects. CTSDMC also supports the work of graduate students in the Department of Biostatistics.
Data Managers
The CTSDMC provides full-range data management support, including developing case report forms, specifications and testing plans, validating the data systems, managing the query system, and assisting in end-user training and technical support of the database.
Information Technology Development
The IT/Development Group is responsible for installation and maintenance of all hardware and software systems. This group is responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of all data systems, and ensuring that they conform to standards set by the FDA.
Protocol Coordinators/Monitors
The Protocol Coordination and Monitoring group is responsible for developing and executing all monitoring plans in each clinical study. They provide on-site, remote and risk-based monitoring, study site support including EDC training, adverse event reporting and the development of training materials.

Protocol Coordinator/Monitor - Lead
Research Scientists and Engineers
The Research Scientist Group provides various specialized scientific research findings by analyzing study data, performing research simulations and theoretical investigations for numerous CTSDMC studies.
Research Support
The Research Support Group manages the fiscal and personnel requirements of the Center, providing logistical and communication support for all study activities.